Vacancy for Food technology, Biotechnology, Microbiology

Vacancy for Food technology, Biotechnology, Microbiology

Vacancy for Food technology, Biotechnology, Microbiology

Position : Sr. Executive(Food Safety & Regulatory)

Location : Gwalior and
those willing

to join immediately will be preferred.

Experience :
Minimum 2 Years Experience in QA/QC, FOSTOC Trained
also have
Knowledge about food Safety regulations.

Qualifications : B.Sc. Food Tech./ M.Sc. Food Tech.

Background – Food technology, Biotechnology,

Job Responsibilities
Knowledge on Food safety processes, audits

Corrective actions for Non conformances

Training employees on GMP and FSSC requirements

Systems documentation

5S Implementation

Monitor and verify processes

Handling of customer complaints

Preparation of SOP and Risk assessments

Update on legal and regulatory requirements

Please mail your resume to