Terms and conditions of jobsfood.tech (effective from 15 J an. 2019)

This is to inform all concerned that the website owner provides jobsfood.tech as a free job vacancy information service to job seekers.


jobsfood.tech does not guarantee any interview/meeting/discussion with any employer basis any amount of initial monetary payment by the jobseeker.

jobsfood.tech is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, any such communication via email, SMS, or phone call by a frivolous source claiming to have got the contact details of the person concerned through or representing jobsfood.tech.

Job seekers are advised not to indulge in any monetary engagement with such sources in the name of guaranteed interviews with employers.

It’s users responsibility to ensure Job authentication which is posted on jobsfood.tech.

Contact Information:

Email: info@jobsfood.tech

Contact: +91 996052891