Vacancy in PepsiCo Manufacturing Coordinator

Vacancy in PepsiCo Manufacturing Coordinator

Vacancy in PepsiCo Manufacturing Coordinator

Vacancy in Beverage Industry PepsiCo Manufacturing Coordinator

Vacancy in PepsiCo Manufacturing Coordinator

Industry Type: Beverage Industry

Company Name: PepsiCo

Post: Mfg Coordinator

Location: Pune, India

Job Type: Full Time

Salary: As per Company Standards


Main Purpose – what is the main objective/purpose of the role? (Max 2-3 lines summarizing the role)

  1. Ensuring that the material produced in the process area is packed as per the PepsiCo standards of packing parameters and quality
  2. Ensuring compliance with the production by minimizing breakdowns and wastages in the packing section
  3. Ensuring proper maintenance and smooth functioning of the entire packaging machines/area.

Job Dimensions:

what is the scope of the role – volume, net revenue, budget, geography, number of customers, number of sites etc. for THIS role?

Volume: production per shift

Budget: Packing material consumables, film consumption, EGA & machine spares within AOP

Geography: One complete shift in packaging section

No of customers: permanent operatives/shift and  contractual manpower per shift)

No of sites: One plant


Key Skills/Experience Required –

specific education/certification, specific functional experience, language etc NEEDED for the job.  Please note that this is not necessarily the incumbent’s personal background.

  • Education: B. E (Instrumentation/Electrical/Electronics, etc.)
  • Desirable: Packaging Maintenance experience
  • ADIS (Advance Diploma in Industrial Safety) is preferred


  • Minimum experience of 3-4 years of working in a similar industry at the supervisory level
  • Experience of handling packaging of perishable products
  • Experience of handling automated packaging machines
  • Exposure to manufacturing systems and shop floor culture

Interested candidates can apply Below

Apply FSSC-GMP-ISO-HACCP Training in 1180/- Only (Organizer

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