Vacancy in FMCG | Pune Maharashtra

Vacancy in FMCG | Pune Maharashtra

Vacancy in FMCG | Pune Maharashtra

Post : Inventory Manager

Location : Ft Area at Pune, Maharashtra.

Qualification &Experience :

  1. Min 6+Years Exp in Inventory Management Completely
    with above skills

2.Graduate with Stability in Career.

3.Current Role should be TL/AM

4.Must have Relevant experience and skills from Retail/
Grocery Ecommerce/FMCG Industry/FMCG

Details :
strong Hold in Inventory Management, SOP Audit,
Reducing operational loss, Investigation into security
breaches, inventory accuracy, monitor shrinkage, and other
relevant inventory control activities for FMCG/ Grocery
Warehouse of size 1 Lac Sq

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Sub: “Application for Inventory Manager – Pune”
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