Multiple vacancies in Dairy Industry | Kurnool Milk union
Recruitment for Various Vacancies in the Kurnool
Milk Union
Online Applications are Invited from eligible candidates
to fill up the below posts for Kurnool Milk Union.
- Deputy General Manager: Vacancies-01
Qualification: M.Sc/ B.Tech/ B.Sc/ Dairy Technology
Experience: Must having 25 years experience in Dairy
Industry at different levels.
- Quality Control Officer: Vacancies-01
Qualification: M.Sc. (Micro Biology Dairy Technology/
B.Tech. Dairy Technology
Experience: Must having 20 years experience in Lab
Section in Dairy Industry at Different levels.
- Dairy Manager: Vacancies-02
Qualification: B.Tech. / B.Sc. Daliry Technology
Experience: Must having 20 years experience in processing
Bi-Products in Dairy Industry at Different levels.
- Asst. Dairy Engineer (Elec.): Vacancies-01
Qualification: B.Tech. Electrical/ Mechanical
Experience: Must having 20 years experience in Powder
Plant, Pre-pac Section in Dairy Industry at Different levels.
- Junior Engineer (Ele.): Vacancies-01
Qualification: B.Tech.
Electrical Mechanical/ Dairy Technology
Experience: Must having 10 years experience in Pre-Pac
Sections in Dairy Industry at Different levels.
Location :
Nandyal, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh.
Candidates who are interested to apply for the above
posts are required send particulars by E-mail at
Interview will be held on
20-11-2021 at office of the Managing Director, Milk
Products Factory, Nandyal.