FSSAI Food Safety officer Exam date for Tamilnadu State
FSSAI Food Safety officer Exam date Details:
Written Examination/ Computer Based Exam and Certificate Verification
Date Of Exam: 20th October 2022
In partial modification of the detailed Notification “Scheme of Examination” and
Para No.8 “Centre for Examination” are changed as detailed below:
Scheme of Examination (Objective Type)
The question will be set in English and Tamil only and will contain 100 objective
type questions.
There will be no negative mark for the wrong answer. (For Syllabus Refer
Annexure-8 of the Detailed Instructions)
Normalization of the marks:
The Computer Based Examination is conducted in multiple sessions.
Whenever Computer Based Examination is conducted in multiple sessions based on the same syllabus, same pattern for candidates having same eligibility criteria, the raw marks obtained by the candidates in different sessions will be converted to normalized marks.
A candidate will be permitted to appear only in one session.
Attending more than one session will automatically leads to disqualification of the candidature and no further correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
In case the examinations are conducted in only one session, actual marks obtained by the candidates will only be considered for calculating the Merit List.
Calculation of normalized marks for multi-session papers:
In case of multi-session papers, a suitable normalization is applied to take into account any variation in the difficulty levels of the question papers across different sessions.
The following Normalization formula for calculating the normalized marks for the multi-session paper is adopted as followed in various Competitive Examinations in India.
Score Normalization using Mean and Standard Deviation of Base Standard and Target Batch.
In this method there are following 3 factors:
A) Ratio of SD of Base / Standard Batch to SD of Targeted Batch
B) Difference of Score of Candidates and Average Score of the Target Batch
C) Average Score of Base / Standard Batch Batch with maximum average with minimum 70% of the overall average attendance is considered as the Base / Standard Batch.
Examination will be conducted in one or more of the centres in all the 38 districts.
The Board reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of examination centres depending on administrative exigencies.
i. Candidates should appear for the examination at their own expenses and no TA/DA will be paid. The tentative date of Examination will be in the third week of October 2022. Exact date will be communicated in due course.
ii. Short-listed candidates will be called for verification of the original certificates as claimed in their on-line application form (as detailed in Annexure-3 of this Notification).
iii. There will be No Oral Test for the post.
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Download Official Scheme of Examination Center for Examination Notification Below
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