45 Days Food Industry Online Internship
🍒 Food Safety – Regulatory Compliance ( Online Internship Program)
Every Friday, Saturday&Sunday Evening 07:00PM to 09:00 PM
🟩For students and working professionals
📌 Topics Broadly will be covered
🍏 Food Business – Regulatory Compliance
🍏 Laboratory Management System
🍏 Food Safety Management System
🍏Food Recall Procedures
🍏 Fortification of Foods
🍏 Organic Foods
🍏 Labeling, Advertising and Claims
🍏 Food Safety Auditing
🍏 Food Packaging
🍏 Legal Metrology Act & Rules
🍏Assignments, Project and Feedback
🍒 Included in internship program
📒Training Material
🧑🎓45 Days Training
🎥 Recorded Lectures for Revision
🔖7 Certificates Including FSSAI certificate
✅ Guidence from 40+ Experienced Trainer
🔰Certificates will be provided after training are
1. ISO 19011
2. ISO 17025
3. Overview of Food Safety standards, Labeling & Display Regulations
4.Overview of Food Safety standards Nutraceuticals, Organic Food & Recall Procedure.
5. ISO 22000
6. Internship Program & Project Completion Certificate
7) FSSAI/FOSTAC Food Safety Supervisor Certificate.(this One certificate provided only if candidate attend Offline training in Mumbai other than this all program is in online mode only)
So Hurry up and Apply Now
New Batch Starting from: 26th nov 2023
Three Days In a week: Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Timing Of Internship is 07:00 PM To 09:00 PM
FEES – RS. 2999/- (Including FOSTAC/FSSAI certificate)
No Extra Charges
Get Offline FSSAI Training with Certificate Free (too much worthy because we take this individually for 2000/-)
For International candidates Fees:
USD $89/- Only
📲Internship will be done through online mode.
What Benifits you Get:
✅50% Discount in FoSTaC/FSSAI Training
✅Training with Lifetime validity Certificate.
✅ Training from ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization
✅Free Primium training materials.
✅Bunch of Books related to training Topic
✅Join from mobile device by Google Meet.
✅Live training Session with live question answer from participants.
✅Recorded session for Revision
✅Issue Of Certificate within 2 Days after training.
✅Free Daily Job notification group membership (Free for everyone)
Hurry up Limited Edition only 100 Seats
Find Us on Google:
For Jobs: Jobsfood
For Trainings: Food Tech Pro Advice
📲Click here to Join Our Whatsapp group for lattest jobs
SUPPORT: 9960528911
Hurry up will close registration after 100 participants