Unbelievable Benefits of Carrot
There are lots of Unbelievable Benefits of carrot. In fact which of some are useful in many disease. For example cancer, diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, obesity, bone and muscle disorders. Let’s learn some more benefits of carrots.

Unbelievable Benefits of Carrot
There are many benefits of carrots. It’s not important that you eat carrots raw, boiled or in the form of a salad. Let’s take a look at how this versatile fruit and vegetable is nutritious for various organs of the body.
Nutritional Information of Carrot
Carrots are a nutritious root?……. of course yes it is. It Contain many nutrients. In addition, carrots contain 95% water. So eating carrots keeps you hydrated. In addition, carrots contain Vitamin A, Biotin, Vitamin K, Potassium, Vitamin B6, Beta Carotene, Alpha Carotene and Lycopene which are beneficial for nourishment of the body.
Lets take an example of a medium sized Carrot contain Nutrient –
Calories : 41
Water : 88%
Protein : 0.9 g
Carbohydrates: 9.6 g
Sugar : 4.7 g
Fibers : 2.8 g
Fat : 0.2 g
Unbelievable Benefits of Carrot:
Eye care:
- Carrots are high in Vitamin A, which is good for the eyes.
- Eating carrots is beneficial for eye ailments like night blindness, poor eyesight.
Strong Teeth:
- Carrots are also effective for the health of teeth and gums. Evan eating an carrots after a meal cleans teeth.
- It is beneficial to eat carrots on dental complaints. Giving carrot juice to small children does not cause much discomfort.
Healthy Muscle:
- Regular consumption of carrots improves bone and muscle health.
Brain health:
- Carrots are good for brain health. Eating carrots helps to increase memory and intelligence.
Digestive System:
- Carrots are useful for stomach and intestinal complaints. If you have worms in your stomach, if you take a cup of carrot juice every morning, the worms will go away.
- In case of diarrhea, steam carrots and drink its juice little by little.
Anti cancerous:
- Carrots are useful for many ailments like cancer, diabetes.
Maintain Blood Pressure:
- Carrot is very useful in heart disease, blood pressure.
Reduce Obesity:
- Carrot helps to reduce obesity, with some exercise carrot is very helpful to reduce weight.
Skin care:
- It contain carotene which help to promotes good skin and hair health.