Food Technology Quiz

FSO Quiz 1

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FSO Quiz 1

1 / 10

Monoglycerides and diglycerides are used as ____ in a variety of foods.

2 / 10

___ is a selective process that can be controlled to produce various levels of hardening.

3 / 10

The first step in the refining process of many oils is ____

4 / 10

Each gram of fat contains ____ kcal.

5 / 10

___ make up the major components of fat, butter, shortening, and oil.

6 / 10

Fats and oils contain ____ times more energy than proteins and carbohydrates.

7 / 10

__ fruits produce ethylene gas during ripening.

8 / 10

____ juice is probably the most commonly processed juice.

9 / 10

The use of U.S. grade standards for fruits and vegetables is ____ in most cases.

10 / 10

The quality of most fresh vegetables can be judged reasonably well by their ____ appearance.

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The average score is 44%


FSO Quiz 2

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FSO Quiz 2

1 / 10

Grapes for wine are harvested when they contain the optimum balance of ____ and acidity.

2 / 10

The science and art of growing grapes for wine is called ____.

3 / 10

____ is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice.

4 / 10

__ is the major ingredient of carbonated soft drinks.

5 / 10

When did the worldโ€™s first vitamin-fortified fruit drinks appear?

6 / 10

Tea is made when the processed leaves of the tea plant are infused with ____.

7 / 10

Which organization issues the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations?

8 / 10

Turbidity of water is ____.

9 / 10

____ coffee is prepared by forcing an atomized spray of very strong coffee extract through a jet of hot air.

10 / 10

In some food processing plants, ____ peeling is used to remove skins from soft fruit and vegetables such as

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The average score is 44%


Food Safety Quiz

Created on

10 Question

Food Safety Quiz

1 / 10

Category: Medium

Growth of bacteria can be prevented by:

2 / 10

Category: Medium

Food Safety Management System consists of:

3 / 10

Category: Medium

Product that will undergo no further processing or transformation by the organization:

4 / 10

Category: Medium

How many principles are identified by Coder Alimentarius Commission (CAC)?

5 / 10

Category: Medium

As per GMP guidelines the refrigerated food should be stored below

6 / 10

Category: Medium

The "temperature danger zone" is:

7 / 10

Category: Medium

As per GHP water used in food processing units should meet the

8 / 10

Category: Medium

FSSC 22000 consists of

9 / 10

Category: Medium

An action taken to eliminate a detected non-conformity is


10 / 10

Category: Medium

Perishable foods can be left out at room temperature for:

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The average score is 60%
